Strawberry Green Tea

So we all know that green tea is packed with healthy benefits; detox and the likes, however, not all of us like that particular taste. It needs some time to get used to. Not leaving the tea bags in for too long helps for a milder version but this is a way to enjoy green tea that even tiny bats will love!! If you love strawberries, you will love strawberry green tea! On a side note, drinking excessive amounts of green tea may result in diarrhea, stomach problems, or even iron deficiency in the long run so as always we recommend balance in all that you do.


Prepare your green tea as usual. The best way to prepare green tea is by boiling the water and let it cool for two to three minutes before pouring it on your leaves. This will help preserve all the goodness of the delicate leaves and reduce that unpleasant flavor from the taste, so it’s a win-win situation!

In the meantime blend your strawberries. If they are nice and ripe, they will be sweet enough so all they need is a dash of lime or lemon to boost the flavor, if not, or if you really like sweetness, you may add some honey. However, both citrus and honey are optional. Sift your strawberry puree for a smoother texture.

This mixture is served cold so you might want to place some ice cubes in your glass. Proportions are more or less half-and-half, so fill your glass halfway with the strawberry puree and top it up with the green tea. Stir and enjoy your green tea smoothie!


The strawberries are matched perfectly by lemon, lime, and honey but they are optional. For an extra refreshing version, you might want to add some mint or add some fuzz with a dash of sparkling water. Oh, you like milkshakes more? Add your favorite milk to this tea and voila! You have a green tea milkshake!! You might want to add some whipped cream and sprinkles if you want to make it more inviting, but of course, not if you want to keep it nice and healthy! Maybe if you’re drinking this on your birthday, okay?

So go ahead and give it a try! Let us know your personal favorite and maybe share some pics with us, we enjoy all of your lovely comments!

Happy Brewing!!

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