Entry Four

True, we do try to stay healthy and eat well, however, it’s the festive season and we’ve been eating like crazy!!! So we came up with this recipe not to lose the extra weight we gained; that will come in January, but to help our guts get some much-needed health back cos they feel drowning … Read more

Satay Sauce

Satay Sauce

Satay is usually known as a fatty sauce, however, it can be a healthy addition if you make it right! It is a high protein recipe, can add to that healthy weight gain, and can be relatively low fat if you choose the ingredients well! You will usually use peanut butter for this recipe, however, this can … Read more

Healthy Homemade Peanut Butter

homemade peanut butter

Today our little bat returned home with some peanuts, now as we said before peanuts have a bad reputation, however, just like salmon and avocado, peanuts contain the good kind of fats, even if  they are high in calories. Here we’re gonna mix them with cashews that have a similar profile, however, they are softer … Read more

Salmon, Yogurt, and Cucumber Dip

Salmon, Yogurt, and Cucumber Dip

Now being on a diet or having a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean not having parties or events! It doesn’t mean not slipping off every now and again and enjoy the ‘normal’ party food, however, if you are hosting, you may get some recipes up your sleeves that you can serve that are still healthy enough! … Read more

Mango Chutney

Mango Chutney

Since we did like our pork and mango chutney, as soon as we came across another mango we decided we should give this recipe another go. This time we tried a more hands-on approach, making a proper chutney that we can store just like a store-bought one! Well, not that long unless you know how … Read more

Homemade Sauerkraut

Homemade Sauerkraut

Today we’re going to make one of the best probiotics food you can find, and in my opinion, the simplest to get hold of. Sauerkraut, which is basically fermented cabbage, is also rich in Vitamins C, A, and K as well as iron, so this is definitely a recipe you should try. Now, here is … Read more

Honey and Mustard Vinaigrette

Honey and Mustard Vinaigrette

So you have a boring salad that you want to kick up and change those leaves to be nice and tasty? Mustard and cider vinegar will definitely do just that for you AND the honey will keep things sweet escalating that natural sweetness in your veggies to a new level! All that without adding any … Read more

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