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Hello World, Welcome to the Orchard!!

This is Teasy, the tiny fruit bat that wants to be healthy! Exercise and healthy eating is not just about looks and losing weight, it’s about feeling good with yourself and having enough energy to function properly and that is why this tiny bat started her journey to a better self. She lost tons of weight in the progress, however, that was a bonus that came with the change of lifestyle. It was hard work and determination cos our little bat was highly obese and had a long way to go!! However, she managed to reach her goal (or is close to it cos, truth be said, she’s still a little puffy!) she now can manage to fly (or walk – wish I could fly, but you get what I mean) and function effectively again, enjoying yoga and healthy food with a totally new lifestyle. Discover the path this tiny bat took and is still taking! Hope you enjoy our journey and maybe decide to follow on a healthier path yourself! Enjoy your stay!

If you’re feeling a little lost, take a trip to our map, the blog where everything about this website is explained.

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