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Proper Good

Proper good food is hard to come by, more often than not you need time and preparation to do it yourself! However, if you love soups and always wanted an easy way to find ready-made fresh and healthy soups, this is a dream come true for you! If not, don’t give up! More recipes should be coming up soon or maybe you want to consider these as healthy and easy sauces or sauce bases. This will be even more convenient for you if you are part of the medical community cos they offer medical staff discounts! You’re concerned cos you have a dietary restriction? Proper Good food has several options to cater to a number of diets, both optional and medical. So what is Proper Good? Well, for starters it’s one of our affiliate brands now, however, if you are intrigued keep reading to find out!

What is Proper Good? 

Proper Good is a company (co-owned by two very interesting siblings) that aims to provide quick and easy meals for people that are on the go, which, let’s face it, it’s most of us! They struggle with finding time to prepare healthy meals daily for themselves, so they know the real problem most of us face when we try to do just that! For now, the company mainly provides soups, however, the plan is to create more and more ready-to-eat packs that are more varied. They also have a blog providing information about their products, how to use them, and even interesting information about food that is a little more in general (related to their food but also applicable to other food). They also share countless quick and easy recipes where you can use these packs and create something else. It will require some preparation but it’s still way faster than preparing food from scratch (time estimate is given in the recipe and preparation most of the time is just 5 or 10 minutes). 

You may be asking what is different about these packs? Well, the most important difference is that they have health in mind, so the food is prepared with whole ingredients without preservatives or flavoring agents added to them. They use natural preservents, like turmeric, and provide the taste from the ingredients, just like we do in our kitchens, thus providing a quick and easy ‘homemade’ meal for us! They also provide meals that cater to gluten-free, dairy-free, keto, or plant-based diets. What is more, you can find a detailed nutritional chart and nutritional information about each pack, even listing allergins to make it easier for you to find your ideal packs! They do not need refrigeration, so they are very easy to carry around making them ideal as lunches while on the go!

Are you worried about the carbon print you will be making cos of the cardboard and plastic bags? Stop worrying! They take care of that too! There is information on how to properly recycle every part of your order, they even send pre-paid envelopes allowing customers to send them the empty pouches so they can make sure they are properly taken care of. Simply email and all will be taken care of!

Now fly off and give their colorful site a visit! Plenty of little surprises to discover including offers, deals, and even videos! So what are you still doing here?! Off you go!

Happy Shopping!

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