Wannabe Chocolate Cake

Wannabe Chocolate Cake

Who doesn’t love chocolate?! Well, our bat prefers fruit, however, today we have a chocoholic healthy recipe! What is that you say, chocolate isn’t healthy? Well, yes, but also no! The fats and sugars within the chocolate aren’t healthy, however, if you manage to get your hands on some cacao it’s actually very good for … Read more

Raisin Cookie Dough Cake

Raisin Cookie Dough Cake

Cakes are always great, however, they are filled with sugars, fats, and carbs making them something we have to eat rarely. Being healthy shouldn’t be a sacrifice so finally our little bat came up with a healthy cake! It’s not a fluffy one but a chunky type of cake (similar to a carrot cake), however, … Read more

Wannabe Strawberry Muffins

Strawberry Muffins

And one more fruit fell into the grasp of our little fruit bat! This time, it was transformed into these delicious strawberry muffins!! I assume you have guessed what fruit, right? Yes, yes, it’s strawberries, that is why the muffins look rather dark, they have a lovely reddish glow to them, and they are coated … Read more

Apple Cake

And here goes our bat again with her fruit mania again! However, that is not the only fun fact about this cake, here we used oats instead of flour, making it way more healthy than a normal cake! Oats are far more nutritional than normal flour and have way fewer carbohydrates! However, flour does have … Read more

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