Entry Four

True, we do try to stay healthy and eat well, however, it’s the festive season and we’ve been eating like crazy!!! So we came up with this recipe not to lose the extra weight we gained; that will come in January, but to help our guts get some much-needed health back cos they feel drowning in fat!!! We added two of our favorite, natural probiotics together. Plain yogurt and sauerkraut! They create an amazing side dish that blends perfectly well with most meats and gives our poor intestines and digestive system some relief while we keep enjoying the good food we are not willing to miss out on during this season!! Really simple (a true five-minute recipe) and just delicious! We also did it with some olives and red kidney beans as a stand-alone quick lunch (would also blend better with fish)! Felt really perfect for when you need to give your gut some tender loving care!

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