Peachy Chicken

Another fruit fell victim to our tiny bat’s grasp! Peaches are a low-calorie food, with a good supply of fiber and vitamins for our diet, so if you want a recipe that is good for your waistline, this is probably it as we all know chicken is also a low-calorie meet. We will be also attacking some cranberries that will give us some more fiber, reduce acidity, and fight infections for us. We will also toss some Vodka in here, cos, yes, in moderation alcohol has some health benefits too! Of course, it has massive side effects if you abuse, so small doses and far in between, deal? So let’s go for the recipe now.


  • Chicken
  • Peaches
  • Cranberries
  • Onions
  • Vodka
  • Milk (preferably Coconut)
  • Balsamic Glaze (or Balsamic Vinegar and Honey)
  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves
  • Nutmeg
  • Cardamom
  • Pink Salt (or Salt)
  • Chilies (optional)


Now here we have more preparation than actual work. Start off by soaking the cranberries and peaches in a little vodka and leave them to chill for around 10 mins. Slice the onions and form a nice bed for our chicken to rest on at the bottom of your tray.

Now place your boneless chicken (I used skinned and boneless thighs) and sprinkle with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, salt, and chilies to taste. Do more than one layer if needed here, just sprinkle every layer. Cover up with the peaches and cranberries, and toss in a tablespoon or two of vodka. Add the balsamic glaze (or balsamic vinegar and honey, it will have more or less the same effect) and cover everything with milk (your favorite kind will work but we suggest coconut milk for this recipe to make it more exotic!)

After chilling the mix in the refrigerator for an hour or two (I usually leave it overnight), bake well. And dinner is served!!


You may want to serve this recipe with some sweet potatoes or a tasty couscous. Alternatively, you can use this mix as a filling for your wraps. I tried it the first time with a base of carrots, it also worked well, however, I wasn’t the biggest fan of peaches and carrots mixed together so I tried onions instead. If you’re looking for an interesting side salad, however, you can bring the carrots back and try an interesting mix of carrots and apples! They work really well together! Let us know if you’re a fan of fruit with your meats, and what you think of this recipe in general! Hope you enjoyed this and will give it a go!

Bon appetite!!

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