Hot Chick with Red Lentil

For today’s recipe, we’re gonna make the lentils act like potatoes to create a lovely casserole! They will give that nice stew feeling, soft and creamy while providing us with fibers and some extra proteins. As usual, we will not be adding any fats, instead, we will have our flavors from the spices (and the … Read more

Spinach and Mushroom Barley

Spinach and Mushroom Barley

I just love spinach! Its flavor is so mild and versatile, so it can blend well with so many other ingredients! Today I will share an exquisite recipe that helps you benefit from this extremely nutritious vegetable! AND the main star here is barely another awesome grain that is often overlooked and you can add … Read more

Tangerine Chicken

Tangerine Chicken

So, I happen to be a fan of Big Bang Theory and came across Sheldon’s dilemma about his tangerine chicken… Now since Teasy is a curious little bat she sniffed around the internet and came up with a recipe I could try with stuff I could find at home since we do not have it … Read more

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