Chicken, Fennel and Ginger Casserole

Today’s recipe has plenty of ingredients, but don’t give up, most of them are spices and replaceable if you do not have them. The main flavors here are the fennel bulb, ginger, onion, and spring/green garlic (spring or green garlic is just milder than garlic so you can add more and have more to eat, however, normal garlic will do just fine. Its benefits are slightly different to so if you have the opportunity to include it too in your diet, don’t skip it!). Fennel bulb is a good source of fiber and Vitamin C, ginger is a source of potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin B6, and we all know onions and garlic are just sickness fighters that you can never really go wrong with! So let’s get this recipe going!


  • Chicken
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Cider Vinegar
  • Spring/Green Garlic
  • Onion
  • Ginger
  • Fennel Bulb
  • Sweet Potato
  • Coriander
  • Cumin
  • Aniseeds
  • Cinnamon
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Black Pepper
  • Salt


Place the chicken in a casserole dish and marinate. Start by wetting with vinegar, then place the seeds, salt, peppers, and spices, add the honey so some spices will stick to the top, and finally add the milk and let it rest for at least thirty minutes in a cool place. Chop the sweet potato, fennel bulb, onion, garlic, and ginger (make sure to chop the ginger into very fine pieces or grind it, not a lot of people enjoy a bite of ginger!) and add them to your casserole. You may leave for another 30 minutes so that the ingredients marinate together. Place in your oven and cook!! (You will be cooking the marination well with the chicken so it is safe to consume, just make sure to give enough time for your casserole to cook well. The chicken should come really juicy and tender with this method, both because of the milk and because it is cooked in a closed lid!)


Of course, you can replace the sweet potato with potatoes here or do a mix of both! Carrots and parsnips should also make a nice colorful addition to this recipe. Goes without saying you can reduce or remove the peppers according to your taste, or add some chilies if you want to add the heat up. The honey can be skipped especially if you are careful with the sugar intake, however, it is hard to remove the sweetness from this recipe without eliminating the bulb and the seeds. It has a lovely play of sweetness, chili, and that unique taste the ginger gives combined with the garlic and onion notes! I assure you this recipe is a real treat for your taste buds!! Hope you will give it a go and share your experience with us! We’re curious to see if you will enjoy this as much we have!

Bon appetite!!

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