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Strawberry Ravioli

Strawberry Ravioli

A few years back I came across strawberry ravioli and I have wanted to figure out how to do it ever since. Today, I totally nailed it by accident and was surprised by how incredibly easy it actually is!! Now ravioli is pasta so do not overdo the portion cos, of course, it is carbs, … Read more

Entry Four

True, we do try to stay healthy and eat well, however, it’s the festive season and we’ve been eating like crazy!!! So we came up with this recipe not to lose the extra weight we gained; that will come in January, but to help our guts get some much-needed health back cos they feel drowning … Read more

Homemade Sauerkraut

Homemade Sauerkraut

Today we’re going to make one of the best probiotics food you can find, and in my opinion, the simplest to get hold of. Sauerkraut, which is basically fermented cabbage, is also rich in Vitamins C, A, and K as well as iron, so this is definitely a recipe you should try. Now, here is … Read more