Homemade Sauerkraut

Homemade Sauerkraut

Today we’re going to make one of the best probiotics food you can find, and in my opinion, the simplest to get hold of. Sauerkraut, which is basically fermented cabbage, is also rich in Vitamins C, A, and K as well as iron, so this is definitely a recipe you should try. Now, here is … Read more

Zucchini Noodles

Zucchini Noodles

So you want a fun way to eat zucchini or courgette? Then this is the recipe for you! They are one of the lowest in calories and carbs food with a very good content of Vitamins C and B-6 so you should try to integrate them more in your diets, right? You might think that … Read more

Wannabe Strawberry Muffins

Strawberry Muffins

And one more fruit fell into the grasp of our little fruit bat! This time, it was transformed into these delicious strawberry muffins!! I assume you have guessed what fruit, right? Yes, yes, it’s strawberries, that is why the muffins look rather dark, they have a lovely reddish glow to them, and they are coated … Read more

Wannabe Pesto


Finally, I came across a Pesto that inspired me to create a version without oil! It always bothered me that you need as much basil as you needed oil to get your pesto going, however, when I came across avocado pesto, I knew that could work instead of the oil! Avocado has a high-fat content … Read more

Beef, Mushrooms, and Spinach

Today we’re gonna indulge in some red meat. Most of you know that for a healthy diet we should eat plenty of chicken and fish, however, this doesn’t mean that we have to eliminate red meat altogether! At least once a month, unless following an alternate vegan or vegetarian diet, our body needs the nutrients … Read more

Hot Chick with Red Lentil

For today’s recipe, we’re gonna make the lentils act like potatoes to create a lovely casserole! They will give that nice stew feeling, soft and creamy while providing us with fibers and some extra proteins. As usual, we will not be adding any fats, instead, we will have our flavors from the spices (and the … Read more

Apple Cake

And here goes our bat again with her fruit mania again! However, that is not the only fun fact about this cake, here we used oats instead of flour, making it way more healthy than a normal cake! Oats are far more nutritional than normal flour and have way fewer carbohydrates! However, flour does have … Read more

Broad Bean Pudding

Broad Been Pudding

Today I tried one of my many experiments in the kitchen and, as usual, I will share it with you. The hardest part in all of this? Finding a name for the recipe! Taste-wise, it’s a little similar to a shepherd’s pie with a nice broad bean twist, however, it has the consistency of a … Read more

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