Satay Sauce

Satay Sauce

Satay is usually known as a fatty sauce, however, it can be a healthy addition if you make it right! It is a high protein recipe, can add to that healthy weight gain, and can be relatively low fat if you choose the ingredients well! You will usually use peanut butter for this recipe, however, this can … Read more

Beanie Rice

Beanie Rice

So apparently beans are a good source of non-meat protein. Also rather handy if you want a quick meal since many of them come in cans. Of course, we cannot be a healthy site and encourage canned food, BUT, at times we too are in a hurry! If you can cook dried beans, going through … Read more

Liquorice Cake

Liquorice Cake

And here we go again with yet another variation of our oat-based cakes. Today, we shall play with a totally new flavor! As we have seen, licorice is a root and as such has a good number of health benefits, however, snacking on the black licorice candy is not the same thing as snacking on the root. … Read more

Carrots and Apple Mix

Carrots and Apple Mix

Today we have a gut-friendly savory fruit salad, that is great as a snack, a side salad, or even tweaked for a good full meal! We have apples with their famous pectin that feeds the good gut bacteria, yogurt that is a probiotic food, and carrots and coconuts that both give a boost in fiber! … Read more

Healthy Homemade Peanut Butter

homemade peanut butter

Today our little bat returned home with some peanuts, now as we said before peanuts have a bad reputation, however, just like salmon and avocado, peanuts contain the good kind of fats, even if  they are high in calories. Here we’re gonna mix them with cashews that have a similar profile, however, they are softer … Read more

Aubergines Dip/Soup

Aubergines Dip/Soup

Have you ever looked at the nutritional value of aubergines!? They have no fats, barely any carbs, and just 25 Calories per 100g!! Amazing right!? So here is a dip for you that you can literally scoop up and eat with a tablespoon if you really feel like it!! We will add some fats with … Read more

Sweetcorn and Tahini Lunch

Sweetcorn and Tahini Lunch

Our bat stumbled across a jar of Tahini and was intrigued! Sesame seed paste? That is interesting! Now just to make things clear tahini is mentioned as a good weight gain product, so if you want to lose weight we suggest you limit your use and maybe replace some of it with chickpeas. That being … Read more

Banoffee Cheese Cake

Banoffee Cheese Cake

Do you ever crave cheesecake?! This happens to be one of our little bat’s favourite desserts, however, a mix of cream cheese, sour cream, and sugar with a base of biscuits is a massive no, no if we want to stay healthy! So here we have our first ever attempt for this classic and amazing … Read more

Broad Bean Focaccia

Broad Bean Focaccia

Finding a healthy and easy-to-carry, packed lunch is not always easy! We often fall in a cycle of wraps or sandwiches, so an easy recipe that is fast to prepare and easy to carry is always handy. The same goes for finger food nibbles! We’re gonna use broad beans today, just like we did in … Read more

Is Sushi Healthy?

Is Sushi Healthy?

Raw fish, vegetables, and rice sounds like a very healthy option, right? Well, unlike Chinese food, sushi has a misleading reputation of being healthy. Although it has a good potential for being a healthy food choice, just like any other cuisine, you have to mind what you are ordering. As in all restaurants, one has … Read more

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