Banana, Peanuts, and Oat

Guess what? We’re gonna use more fruit today! This banana, peanut, and oat milkshake work perfectly as an energetic breakfast kick! Really filling, high in proteins and nutrients so a perfect boost to start the day! Now I know that peanuts have a bad rep, however, unsalted peanuts don’t seem to have more calories than … Read more

Beef, Mushrooms, and Spinach

Today we’re gonna indulge in some red meat. Most of you know that for a healthy diet we should eat plenty of chicken and fish, however, this doesn’t mean that we have to eliminate red meat altogether! At least once a month, unless following an alternate vegan or vegetarian diet, our body needs the nutrients … Read more

Blueberries and Beetroots Smoothie

Have you ever heard about superfoods? Well, beets should be one of them, so we should find fun ways to consume them, right? I had the hardest time trying beetroot juice, however, I regret not trying it before! Fair, I do love beetroots, I just couldn’t wrap my mind about them being a drink, I … Read more

Hot Chick with Red Lentil

For today’s recipe, we’re gonna make the lentils act like potatoes to create a lovely casserole! They will give that nice stew feeling, soft and creamy while providing us with fibers and some extra proteins. As usual, we will not be adding any fats, instead, we will have our flavors from the spices (and the … Read more

Apple Cake

And here goes our bat again with her fruit mania again! However, that is not the only fun fact about this cake, here we used oats instead of flour, making it way more healthy than a normal cake! Oats are far more nutritional than normal flour and have way fewer carbohydrates! However, flour does have … Read more

Broad Bean Pudding

Broad Been Pudding

Today I tried one of my many experiments in the kitchen and, as usual, I will share it with you. The hardest part in all of this? Finding a name for the recipe! Taste-wise, it’s a little similar to a shepherd’s pie with a nice broad bean twist, however, it has the consistency of a … Read more

The Orange Soup

pumpkin and carrot soup

Don’t be surprised, but the oranges in this recipe are optional! Today we will be cooking a lovely autumn or winter soup, with pumpkin and carrots as the base ingredients (that’s why I call it orange, everything is orange!). I’m not a huge fan of traditional soups, so I found my own twists to find … Read more

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