Delicate Infusion

Delicate Infusion

Our little bat just adores mixing and inventing! Today we have a delicate infusion that has so many healthy herbs and spices in it with a very soft, sweet flavor that is hard to dislike. The tastes are similar, however, not one herb is like the other, and mixed all together they create a softer … Read more

Masala Chai

Masala Chai

No, you shouldn’t say Masala Chai Tea or Chai Tea for that matter. And no, not because it is not a tea but because you will be literally saying ‘mixed-spice tea tea’! Chai is the Hindi word for tea, and Masala simply means mixture, so it’s basically mixture tea, and adding another tea behind that … Read more

Tea Infusion

Tea Infusion

Tea is apparently the most commonly found beverage around the world (besides water of course), but is this just because it’s warm and soothing, or is there something more hidden in this particular infusion? True enough the flavor can change drastically so it’s easy to find a tea that you will love, however, are there … Read more

Golden Milk

Golden Milk

No, no, this has no gold in it, don’t worry! This recipe takes its name from the lovely, golden color this beverage has. Described as warm, comforting, and soothing it was my hands-down favorite to my research for an interesting turmeric drink. Ideal both as breakfast and as a nightcap drink, I will be sure … Read more

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