Salmon, Yogurt, and Cucumber Dip

Salmon, Yogurt, and Cucumber Dip

Now being on a diet or having a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean not having parties or events! It doesn’t mean not slipping off every now and again and enjoy the ‘normal’ party food, however, if you are hosting, you may get some recipes up your sleeves that you can serve that are still healthy enough! … Read more

Sunburst Superfoods

Sunburst Superfoods

No, don’t worry, the sun isn’t bursting! It’s the superfoods that are bursting with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and all that you need to live a healthy life! Some people eat more than enough to benefit from all the healthy stuff found in nature, however, others struggle to eat the bare minimum cos they aren’t big … Read more

Sauerkraut, Pork, and Mustard

Sauerkraut, Pork, and Mustard

So we felt like it is time to use our homemade sauerkraut in a proper recipe and we decided to pair it with some pork (just to give the poor chickens a break). Now pork and apple are a very common combination and since we already have some apples in the sauerkraut and apples will … Read more

Cold ‘Rainbow’ Farfalle

Cold 'Rainbow' Farfalle

Our little bat got hyped by the rainbow month, cos, who doesn’t like rainbows!? So we tried making some rainbow pasta, cos there are more than enough rainbow sweets so we wanted our first attempt to be a savory rather than a sweet dish. We tried and tried to find a blue savory food, our … Read more

Watermelon Salad

No, it is not a fruit salad! It’s a lovely, refreshing, summer salad with as much cucumber as much as watermelon! Now watermelon is more water than anything else, so unless you’re diabetic, this is a great hydrating fruit for the summer with very few calories (it is rather high in sugars, however, which will … Read more

Mango Chutney

Mango Chutney

Since we did like our pork and mango chutney, as soon as we came across another mango we decided we should give this recipe another go. This time we tried a more hands-on approach, making a proper chutney that we can store just like a store-bought one! Well, not that long unless you know how … Read more

Creamy Salmon Farfalle

Creamy Salmon Pasta

Do you enjoy creamy, white sauce pasta? I really do, however, we all know that creating traditional white sauce is not really the best for our health! This is a little twist to that sauce that will allow us to eat a good amount of sauce without the guilt feeling! Sounds interesting, no? We’re replacing … Read more

Entery Three

Strawberry Muffins

I had some strawberries and wanted to give a go to the muffins again, this time with no eggs! They’re just lovely, the eggs weren’t needed apparently, they taste very similar to our previous strawberry muffins, almost better cos this time I added a jam! Let’s write this recipe down! Ingredients Oats Almonds Baking Powder … Read more

Cranberry and Rucola Salad

Cranberry and Rucola Salad

Sunny days always make salads a more attractive meal, at least for our little bat, so today we have a simple yet interesting leafy plate (or bowl to be more precise)! All we really need for this salad is rucola (or rocket leaves) and cranberries, however, we will be spicing things up more! Rucola is … Read more

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