Creamy Salmon Farfalle

Creamy Salmon Pasta

Do you enjoy creamy, white sauce pasta? I really do, however, we all know that creating traditional white sauce is not really the best for our health! This is a little twist to that sauce that will allow us to eat a good amount of sauce without the guilt feeling! Sounds interesting, no? We’re replacing … Read more

Entery Three

Strawberry Muffins

I had some strawberries and wanted to give a go to the muffins again, this time with no eggs! They’re just lovely, the eggs weren’t needed apparently, they taste very similar to our previous strawberry muffins, almost better cos this time I added a jam! Let’s write this recipe down! Ingredients Oats Almonds Baking Powder … Read more

Cranberry and Rucola Salad

Cranberry and Rucola Salad

Sunny days always make salads a more attractive meal, at least for our little bat, so today we have a simple yet interesting leafy plate (or bowl to be more precise)! All we really need for this salad is rucola (or rocket leaves) and cranberries, however, we will be spicing things up more! Rucola is … Read more

Apricot and Cranberries Quinoa

Apricot and Cranberries Quinoa

Our little bat today was in the mood for some vodka, so we went ahead and invented a little recipe to splash some vodka in. Of course, the ingredients of choice included fruit, no surprises there, and some chicken. Today we went for quinoa for a number of reasons, first to vary and create a … Read more

Coriander/Cilantro Infusion

Coriander/Cilantro Infusion

Sometimes it’s the smell, sometimes it’s the look. This little light purple flower surrounded by little needle leaves and some larger delicate leaves intrigued our little bat! Firstly, let’s get the facts straight, this plant in some countries it’s referred to as cilantro while in other countries it’s known as coriander. This infusion can be … Read more

Proper Good

proper good

Proper good food is hard to come by, more often than not you need time and preparation to do it yourself! However, if you love soups and always wanted an easy way to find ready-made fresh and healthy soups, this is a dream come true for you! If not, don’t give up! More recipes should … Read more

Pork and Wannabe Mango Chutney

Pork and Wannabe Mango Chutney

Now having mango inspired the little bat to do another fruit full recipe, this time a wannabe chutney. Chutney would require a good amount of syrup, however, that is not healthy so we skipped it and found a way to enjoy the taste in a much healthier way! Here we added pork, that although is … Read more

Wannabe Chocolate Cake

Wannabe Chocolate Cake

Who doesn’t love chocolate?! Well, our bat prefers fruit, however, today we have a chocoholic healthy recipe! What is that you say, chocolate isn’t healthy? Well, yes, but also no! The fats and sugars within the chocolate aren’t healthy, however, if you manage to get your hands on some cacao it’s actually very good for … Read more

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